About Us

The Munich Sister City Association of Greater Cincinnati is a non-profit, volunteer organization facilitating business contacts, and promoting cultural, educational, legal and sports exchanges between the cities of Cincinnati, Ohio USA and Munich, Germany.

Welcome! Thank you for your interest!

Welcome to Munich Sister Cities Association of Greater Cincinnati, your connection to Munich Germany. I would like for you to learn more about our organization. For the past 30 years, we have focused on introducing people here to our friends in Munich. We have developed many cultural, educational and business exchanges with Munich for the benefit of the people of Greater Cincinnati. It is my desire not only to continue these programs, but to expand them. Secondly, we build relationships within our group as we socialize and work together toward building lasting connections between these two great cities

We build on our past success and look forward to increasing the exchange of people and ideas between Munich and Cincinnati. I encourage you to get connected with one of our exchange programs and travel to Munich. One of our priorities is to increase the number of people participating in an Educational Exchange, particularly the High School Exchange.

With the ever increasing cost of airfare, we need to raise money to extend this unique educational opportunity to more young students. Many past participants have found this to be a life changing experience. While the friendships they develop may last a lifetime, the realization that people everywhere seek peace is an important life lesson.

I hope that you will take time to go back to explore the previous page and learn more about us and our activities. I also encourage you to sign up for our free e-newsletter. Finally, please consider becoming a member of our group and partner with us to promote world peace by building citizen to citizen connections and friendships between Munich and Greater Cincinnati.

Thank You for visiting.


Ute Päpke
Executive Director and Past President


  • Hans Zimmer


  • Ute Päpke


  • Albert Vonderheide


  • Miranda Luna


Standing Committee Chairs

  • Student Exchange Chair

    Felicia Wenzel-Vonderheide

  • Arts and Culture

    Raphaela Platow

    Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center

    Dr. Jonathan Bell

    Cincinnati Art Museum

  • Economic Development

    John Mack

    Ute Päpke

  • Membership and Special Events

    A.M. Kinney

    Nada Huron

  • Legal Counsel and Board Member

    Hans Zimmer

Special Committees Chairs

  • Cincinnati USA Sister City Association Representatives

    Ute Päpke

    A.M. Kinney

  • Digital Media

    Felicia Wenzel-Vonderheide

    Jim Fields

  • German American Citizen League Representatives

    Ute Päpke

Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany

  • Honorary Consul

    Martin Wilhelmy



The City of Cincinnati and the City of Munich

Represented by their mayors solemnly pledge on this day, in the spirit of freedom, to maintain a lasting relationship with each other, to support and deepen the mutual exchange in all the fields, to further strengthen the ties of friendship, and to serve the cause of peace and progress of nations, in the true spirit of cooperation.This agreement between the sister cities of Cincinnati and Munich shall be of infinite nature.

Die Stadt Cincinnati und die Landeshauptstadt München vertreten durch ihre Bürgermeister übernehmen am heutigen Tage die feierliche Verpflichtung, im Geiste der Freiheit miteinander dauernde Verbindung zu halten, den gegenseitigen Austausch auf allen Gebieten zu fördern und zu vertiefen, die freundschaftliche Verbindung weiter zu festigen und in echter Zusammenarbeit dem Frieden und Fortschritt der Völker zu dienen.Dieses Abkommen zwischen den Partnerstädten Cincinnati und München ist zeitlich nicht begrenzt.

Munich, September 18, 1989
Cincinnati, June 6, 1990

Charles J. Luken, Mayor of the City of Cincinnati
Georg Kronawitter, Mayor of the City of Munich
Auguste G. Kent, Chairwoman of the Munich Committee, Sister City Association of Greater Cincinnati