Our Mission

Our mission is to open doors on both sides of the ocean.


“To deepen the mutual exchange in all fields and further strengthen the ties of Friendship, and to serve the cause of peace and progress and progress of nations in the true spirit of co-operation.”

—A quote from the original agreement between Cincinnati and Munich signed Sept. 18th, 1989 in Munich, Germany.

The MSCA's mission is to "promote peace through mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation — one individual, one community at a time. The citizens of Munich and Cincinnati promote these goals through development in the following five broad based areas: cultural exchange, humanitarian assistance, youth and educational programs, and economic and sustainable development Specifically this is reflected in past and present programs including musical performances, art exhibits, construction of peace park or memorials, international cultural festivals, economic development, and teacher and student exchanges."

Sister City Contract

The City of Cincinnati and the City of Munich

Represented by their mayors solemnly pledge on this day, in the spirit of freedom, to maintain a lasting relationship with each other, to support and deepen the mutual exchange in all the fields, to further strengthen the ties of friendship, and to serve the cause of peace and progress of nations, in the true spirit of cooperation.This agreement between the sister cities of Cincinnati and Munich shall be of infinite nature.

Die Stadt Cincinnati und die Landeshauptstadt München vertreten durch ihre Bürgermeister übernehmen am heutigen Tage die feierliche Verpflichtung, im Geiste der Freiheit miteinander dauernde Verbindung zu halten, den gegenseitigen Austausch auf allen Gebieten zu fördern und zu vertiefen, die freundschaftliche Verbindung weiter zu festigen und in echter Zusammenarbeit dem Frieden und Fortschritt der Völker zu dienen.Dieses Abkommen zwischen den Partnerstädten Cincinnati und München ist zeitlich nicht begrenzt.

Munich, September 18, 1989
Cincinnati, June 6, 1990

Charles J. Luken, Mayor of the City of Cincinnati
Georg Kronawitter, Mayor of the City of Munich
Auguste G. Kent, Chairwoman of the Munich Committee, Sister City Association of Greater Cincinnati