MSCA Meets the Mayor

Members of Munich Sister City Association of Greater Cincinnati meet with Cincinnati Mayor Aftab Pureval

Cincinnati Mayor Aftab Pureval met with members of the Munich Sister City Association and German interns at City Hall on Tuesday, July 5, 2022.

Pictured from left to right: Albert Vonderheide, MSCA Treasurer; Bettina Siebel, past Munich intern (1995); Ute Päpke, MSCA President; Aftab Pureval, Cincinnati Mayor; Frederik Prohaska, 2022 German intern; Johanna Engländer, 2022 Munich intern.

Mayor Pureval learned more about the partnership between Cincinnati and Munich and the impact our business exchange program has in both cities. Bettina shared about the impact her internship in Cincinnati has on her life, and Johanna and Frederik shared their current experiences, too. We are excited to resume this program after a two-year hiatus.


Student Exchange to return in 2023